Get involved in the iEARN Youth Summit 2010!

Right now students and teachers from all over the world are meeting in Barrie, Ontario to discuss some of Today’s most pressing global issues. From the environment to social oppression; the iEARN Youth Summit 2010, hosted by TakingITGlobal, allows its participants not only to share their own ideas, but to meet and learn about like-minded youth from around the world.

You don’t have to be in Barrie, Ontario to join in on the action! This year, Intelius is sponsoring the iEARN virtual conference in association with the Summit. To join the discussion go to and click the ‘Register’ tab in the upper right-hand corner of the screen. Once you’ve made an account you’ll have access to the live webcast from the Summit, videos of the summit events, event photos and more! Feel free to add to the conversation with your own blog post or Tweet.

 Here’s just a taste of what’s being said on the Virtual Conference site right now:

On Twitter:

RT @peterskillen: The real deal. Kids at the youth summit painting murals while Milton Chen  speaks to teachers at #iearn2010 Nice vibe!

On the Blog:

“ <!-- Post & Translations -->W.A.K.E- worthy argument, attach people emotionally, know your audience, effective imagery! The workshop Action Planning W.A.K.E: The Four Pillars of Awareness, Free the Children was about cause marketing campaigns and how reach and the effect people take away from social visual imagines. The workshop went through a series of social and environmental campaigns. The women running the workshop would go through images and ask the students what they felt the message meant. It required the students to pay attention to small details and think about the real message behind the image. The session finished with a game of taboo; which demonstrated word associations with different problems around the world. The workshop was fun and enlightening!”- Lani Chevat

On Youtube:

You can follow the event on Twitter @inteliusiearn or on Facebook.


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