In today’s difficult economy, charitable giving is a reduced
priority for people, some of whom are struggling to pay their own bills. As an alternative,
some are choosing to volunteer their time
instead of giving cash. Taking this concept a step further is the explosive
growth of skills-based volunteering,
that is, leveraging one’s specialized skills and talents to help nonprofits
achieve their missions.
Examples of skills-based volunteering include teaching a
class, painting a mural, designing a website, financial advising, and so on.
Volunteers provide free work-related knowledge and expertise in skills
they would normally receive compensation for.
At the forefront of the skills-based volunteering movement
are organizations like Points of Light Institute and Taproot Foundation. These
organizations lead, mobilize and engage professionals in pro bono service that
drives social change. They encourage professionals skilled in design,
technology, marketing, human resources and strategy to donate their skills and
help out nonprofits at no cost.
If you’re looking for more reasons to put your skills to use
for a good cause, take this into consideration:
- While the average hour of traditional
volunteering is valued by the independent sector at between $18–20 an hour,
skills-based volunteering is valued at $40–500 an hour depending on the market
value of the time.
- The down economy means nonprofits are stretched
thin and hard-pressed for much needed specific expertise. Skilled volunteers are
needed more than ever.
- It’s a great way to develop workplace skills and
gain experience in other industries.
This growing trend is being especially embraced in corporate America, where
employee volunteer programs have been a part of corporate culture for decades.
Skills based volunteering is an innovative concept, and we at Intelius plan to
jump on the bandwagon of this new era of giving back!
Let us know about your experience with skills based
volunteering by visiting our Facebook page:
Gina Lynch
Community Relations

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